Spiritual Master Sai Maa Brings Blessings to Phoenix

Sai Maa
Sai Maa, an international spiritual master and leader of humanitarian efforts, will be hosting events in Phoenix for hundreds of participants who are seeking renewal and transformation in their lives through spirituality. She will present free Darshan blessings at 7 p.m., May 8, and a workshop, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., May 9, at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort.
At the Darshan event, attendees will get an opportunity to be individually blessed by an enlightened master. On May 9, Maa’s successor, Dr. Adam Rizvi, will offer a one-day workshop, Enlighten Your Brain, to teach how to reprogram the neural pathways in the brain to align with higher aspects of being.
Maa’s mission of global enlightenment is through practical spirituality and personal transformation. With a unique fusion of Eastern spiritual wisdom, Western therapeutic knowledge and energetic mastery, Maa shares teachings to uplift and empower others to master their lives as she has her own.
Location: 11111 N. 7th St., Phoenix. For more information, call 303-996-0123, email [email protected] or visit Sai-Maa.com. Register for Darshan at
Tinyurl.com/DarshanPhoenix. See ad, page 18.