A Powerful Bio-Touch Workshop on PTSD

The Bio-Touch Center, in Tucson, offers Bio-Touch workshops from 6 to 8 p.m., the fourth Thursday of every month. July’s workshop, which will be held on July 28, will cover post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Participants will learn how to use Bio-Touch to relieve stress and other challenging symptoms of PTSD.
Now it’s even faster and easier to learn how to use Bio-Touch to reduce stress, pain, inflammation and other symptoms of health conditions such as PTSD. The new monthly program, unveiled in May, consists of two-hour workshops that teach participants everything they need to know to successfully address a specific health issue. Each month a different health condition is highlighted.
Space is limited. Massage therapists receive two continuing education credits for each workshop attended.
Cost: $15 for public, $10 for IFBM members. Location: 5634 E. Pima St., Tucson. For more information or to sign up for a workshop, call 520-323-7951 or visit JustTouch.com. See ad, page 16.