Excessive Gas is an Epidemic

Gas can be an “obstruction” in one’s life whether at work, having sexual relations with a partner, maintaining an active social life, working out regularly or trying to meditate. It might be uncomfortable, not wanting to focus, move, have sex, socialize or even think. And, interestingly enough, many will continue to eat and/or binge through the discomfort.
A small amount of gas from digestion is normal. An excessive amount of gas is pathogenic. According to Elaine Gottschall, excessive gas is caused from a microbial overgrowth. Bacteria and fungi migrate from the large to the small intestines to feed mainly on processed foods, added sugars and complex carbohydrates. The person is not breaking down foods with normal human enzyme digestion. This kind of digestion is called fermentation digestion. The microbial fermentation by-products are gases, acids and other metabolites that are toxic to the system, break down the gut wall and pass through the blood-brain barrier.
The intestines register pain from gas before pain from inflammation, adhesion or ulceration. The stretch receptors in the bowel say, “Pay attention to gas pain, understand the cause of it, then alleviate it properly.”
Gas is caused by a number of things, including: fermentation of complex carbohydrates, processed foods and added sugars; antibiotics, steroids and other prescriptions; overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi; inflammation and “leaky gut” or intestinal over-permeability; uncontrolled stress causing shutdown of the alimentary tract; accumulation of waste in the system, slow transit and constipation. Poor eating habits like improper food combinations, drinking with meals that dilutes digestive enzymes, quick and thoughtless eating without chewing properly, overeating, eating all day long, late night eating and continuous snacking can cause serious gas issues.
To alleviate excess gas, some suggested methods include: colon hydrotherapy and enemas; enemas with probiotics and other additives; reducing or eliminating complex sugars, processed foods, added sugars; practicing diets that reseed good microbiota; using herbs, enzymes, charcoal, bentonite; parasite, bowel and liver cleanse programs; exercise with yoga, swimming and walking; meditation; fasting; and using hot and/or detoxification baths.
For more information, call 520-325-9686, email [email protected] or visit IntestinalHealthInstitute.com. See ad, page 39.