Flutes for Vets in Tucson

A veteran-run business, Flutes for Vets LLC is being launched in Tucson now, and is seeking funds to provide free Native American-style flutes and free flute classes to veterans who are interested in trying something new. Flutes for Vets is also seeking veterans to participate in every part of the business operations—from logo creating, to website building, to co-managing the business. A kick-off flute class will be held, 10 a.m. to noon, May 6, at Mystic Candles and Metaphysical Shop. The class is open to all, with a discount for veterans. A flute will be raffled off to a veteran.
“In Fiscal Year 2011, 476,515 Veterans with primary or secondary diagnosis of PTSD received treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers and clinics. Many more go untreated and end up homeless due to this and/or other mental health or addiction issues,” says Twinfeathers, manager of Flutes for Vets. “What if there was something that could help vets sooth the internal chaos and give them a sense of peace for a little while?” Veteran and Native American Flute player/instructor for 16 years, Twinfeathers believes it could help, so she started Flutes for Vets LLC, which will be run completely by veterans and eventually become a nonprofit.
Odell Borg, owner of High Spirits Flutes (HighSpirits.com), of Patagonia, has already stepped forward, offering flutes at cost for veterans. Flutes for Vets is also looking for a home to teach classes for veterans exclusively for low to no cost for rent.
Location: 6546 E. 22nd St., Tucson. For more information, call 520-784-4468 or email [email protected].