Women Who Care in Tucson

Driven by the desire to make a difference and inspired by other Women Who Care (WWC) chapters around the U.S. and Canada, over 100 caring women in Tucson have created a local philanthropic group of fabulous women who are capable of doing great things in our community.
WWC Tucson are an informal group of women who love to give, making a direct impact by supporting local charities in our community. The WWC Tucson chapter and its events are run by an executive committee of big-hearted volunteers, along with the assistance of some very generous sponsors. The goal of the group is to support the wonderful work that our local charities do in funds, exposure and awareness in a minimal amount of time.
There are two upcoming “Big Give” dates. At the upcoming event on July 13, there will be a check-in and mingle from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., and the meeting following from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., at Westin La Paloma Resort. The next will occur on October 19, at the same times and place.
Four times per year, members show up with a blank check in hand to give big. Each member has the opportunity to nominate a local charity, and nominating members will be asked to make a short, informal presentation to the group about their charity’s mission and why it is deserving of the members’ vote. After a Q&A session, an anonymous ballot is held and the charity with the most votes will be the recipient.
Each member writes a $100 check made out to the charity with the most votes, given to the selected charity within two weeks of the meeting. The member who nominated the recipient charity will be asked to participate in the Big Give. The winning charity is then invited back to the next meeting to share with members the big impact their donations have made.
Though only members can vote, anyone is welcome to attend any meeting as a guest, and may donate to the selected charity if desired. Join 100 Women Who Care Tucson at their next meeting and see what all the excitement and passion is all about.
Connect at [email protected] and 100WomenWhoCareTucson.org. See ad, page 10.