Rethinking Cancer Screening

Conventional cancer screenings come with risk factors such as radiation, compression and even injections of gadolinium. With the exception of routine mammograms of asymptomatic women, almost all other imaging is performed on individuals exhibiting symptoms of ill health. The result is a “downstream” approach to disease, meaning people wait until they are sick and have clinical signs of disease before they address their wellness level. This paradigm is turned upside down with thermography.
Thermography is painless, has no contact with the body, is FDA registered and all images are interpreted by board-certified medical doctors. Once a woman’s baseline thermography study is regarded as reliable, this baseline record is used in comparative analysis with all future annual screenings, which will help to detect any early changes that may be occurring in the breast tissue or other regions of the body (liver, colon, thyroid gland, etc.).
Thermal imaging is utilized as a tool to watch for changes over time. With continued health, the thermograms remain identical to the initial study. Changes may be identified on follow-up studies that could represent physiological differences within the body that warrant further investigation. It is the early alert that allows for earlier interventions with the potential to make changes to diet, exercise, stress management, etc.—all with the possibility of prevention of unchecked disease progression.
Lynda Witt is a certified clinical thermographer with 12 years of experience. She opened Proactive Health Solutions, LLC in Tucson in 2005, located at WellnessFirst!. Connect at 520-235-7036,
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