Complementary Massage Team Brings a Soulistic Touch to the Table

MaritaSeen ValYan and SanSkritA DellErba
Serving as a destination health resort spa in Tubac for a variety of healing modalities, the Soulistic Healing Center features the complementary licensed massage therapist team of MaritaSeen ValYan and SanSkritA DellErba. Both have a deep commitment to the healing arts and each has a unique touch they bring to the table.
ValYan was trained in British Columbia, Canada and has been practicing massage for more than 25 years. She has a passion for the interconnected relationship of the spirit-mind-body and recognizes the value of massage and other healing therapies to facilitate a positive, relaxing and harmonizing environment and encouraging attitude for healing, personal balance and regenerative rest.
ValYan is also an interfaith minister and appreciates, respects and encourages each person’s individual potential at all stages of life. She brings her training as an interfaith minister to each session, keeping at the forefront of her heart and mind loving service to the client’s unique needs and goals. She is also a craniosacral therapist.
DellErba is an Arizona state licensed massage therapist and a recent graduate from the Arizona School of Integrative Studies, in Tucson. “I have been blessed to be able to mentor with MaritaSeen after my formal massage training,” says DellErba. “This has helped me to develop a personal mission to mindfully approach my clients with compassion and care, enhancing their well-being with a goal-oriented and multi-disciplinary approach to functional integrative health care management.”
DellErba is also a 250-hour-certified yoga teacher with formal training in Iyengar alignment-based methods. She has had a gift of touch healing since a young teenager, which her clients recognize. Additionally, she is a singer-songwriter, guitar and mandolin player in the eight-piece band VansGuard.
For more information, call 520-398-3970 or visit See ad, page 13.