Autumn Anniversary Celebration of Ritual by Kate’s Magik

Ritual by Kate’s Magik will celebrate the second anniversary of their brick-and-mortar Aroma Boutique and Spa in the El Presidio district of Tucson, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., October 28. All those interested in aromatherapy, divine natural perfumes, reiki and massage treatments are invited to come meet Kate and the great people who help run the Kate’s Magik brand and Ritual Boutique.
The event will be dedicated to the Autumn Season, Samhain and Dia de los Muertos. The open house will include mini-treatments, healthy treats, refreshments and a generous sale on Kate’s Magik products.
“October is the month of magik. As the final Harvest Season approaches and we move into the darker half of the year, the veil between the worlds grows thin. For those who practice the old religion or celebrate the seasons and moon phases, the days leading up to the festivals at the end of the month are a highly spiritual time—a time to honor ancestors, celebrate those who have passed, contemplate needed changes and set intentions for the darker months ahead,” enthuses Kate Becker, founder/creator/owner of Kate’s Magik. “I extend a wholehearted invitation to all seekers of healing, love and magik.”
Location: 215 N. Court Ave., Tucson. For more information, call 520-422-2642 or visit See ad, page 12.