Second Anniversary of 100+ Women Who Care Tucson

The 100+ Women Who Care Tucson chapter is an informal group of women who love to give, meeting quarterly to support the wonderful work that our local charities do in funds, exposure and awareness in a minimal amount of time. The group is celebrating its 2nd Anniversary on October 19, at Westin La Paloma, with a check-in and mingle from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., followed by their meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The group is anticipating another exhilarating, fun event filled with compassion and excitement, beginning with a welcoming social hour and topping off with the Big Give. Three approved non-profits drawn at random will have the opportunity to speak on behalf of their individual charity. After the presentations, members of 100+ Women Who Care Tucson vote by private ballot on who they would like to see selected to receive the donation. The explosion of joy and excitement fills the room.
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