Mark Frighetti

Mark Frighetti
Mark Frighetti, a Qigong teacher/healer at Healing Arts Qigong Center, was introduced to qigong in 1998. He began teaching ZY qigong in 2004 and is certified to teach levels 1, 2 and 3. Frighetti is involved with many types of natural healing and offers a qigong therapy treatment, a hands-on treatment session that helps one to heal emotion and physical pain while filling the spirit with love and light. He uses a grounding pad during these treatments that allows the client to release any negative energies while bringing in positive ones.
ZY Qigong practice teaches and develops one’s own natural abilities, improves the immune system and helps alleviate pain. The emotional and spiritual body is strengthened so one stays calmer and relaxed when stress arises. Frighetti teaches and does his therapy work at Desert Milagros.
Frighetti studied acupressure under Master Augustine Fong, received his certificate to treat and began a journey of helping others to heal themselves. He studied qigong image therapy with Grand-Master Mingtang Xu, the lineage holder of Zhong Yuan Qigong, and continues to learn Master Xu’s teachings of higher levels of qigong and Image Therapy.
Location: Desert Milagros, 3438 N. Country Club, Tucson. For more information, call 520-404-8745, email [email protected] or visit