Cloud Nine Flotation Adds Second Tank

Cloud Nine Flotation has added a second flotation tank, making it the only center in Southern Arizona with more than one tank. For clients, this addition gives the opportunity to enjoy the flotation experience at the same time as a friend and/or loved one.
Flotation therapy (sensory deprivation) is done in a large, enclosed tank with 800 pounds of Epsom salts and 10 inches of warm water. The experience is very womblike, and assists in everything from injury recovery, reduced stress and anxiety levels, jet lag, PTSD, TBIs, deeper meditation and more. Numerous athletes—including Tom Brady, Steph Curry, Ally Raisman, The Cubs and The Patriots—use flotation therapy regularly to overcome injury sustained in their sport, and many veterans are finding that it helps with PSTD and TBIs.
In September 2015, after a 25-year absence from Tucson, owner Kalyn Wolf had a vision to re-open Cloud Nine Flotation. She also now offers Sound Healing Therapy with Quartz Crystal Singing Pyramids, Reiki and Meditation/Biofeedback with The Muse, a biofeedback device that measures brainwave activity, paired with meditation instruction. Clients can also taste and purchase Gourmet Culinary Salts, unique Himalayan Salt lamps and color therapy glasses in the store.
Location: 2118 S. Avenida Planeta, Tucson. For more information, call 520-668-4017, email [email protected] or visit See ad, page 25.