Spring Spiritual Rejuvenation

Let your Spring spiritual rejuvenation begin at monthly Taizé services at Casas Adobes Congregational Church, an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. Taizé services are held the second Thursday of each month, from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m.
“How are you planning on rejuvenating your spirit this Spring? Adding new plantings to your garden? Hiking a new trail? Exploring a new bike path?” questions Rev. John Angiulo. “How about discovering a new way to connect with your spiritual self through music, silence and meditation by candlelight?” The Taizé meditative service provides an alternative form of exploring your relationship with God, with no sermon.
Centering Prayer Group is also held every Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m. They also offer opportunities for small Christian prayer groups, with a strong emphasis on interior silence that encourages silence and deeper connection to the divine.
Location: 6801 N. Oracle Rd., Tucson. For more information, call 520-297-1181, email [email protected] or visit CasasAdobesUCC.org/events/calendar.