April 2018 Letter From Publisher

If many of us look, we can see that we’ve come to our career path as a result of our personal journeys and what’s impacted us. We’ve been touched by someone or something that has influenced us in a particular direction in our lives. There are simply those pivotal experiences and people. In that vein, I can see that there’s no accident that I have come to own and publish a healthy living magazine.
In my first career, I was drawn to becoming a social worker largely because of the impact my therapist and therapy had on me in my 20s, as I was searching for my way as a young adult.
In my 40s, I experienced some health challenges and, being fortunate to understand the alternatives available to me, I chose a more holistic route. In the course of achieving the most healthy body possible and being the owner of a holistic health magazine, I have been very privileged to have many wonderful practitioners and therapies available to me. I want others to have access to the therapies that have so helped me. I’ve committed the last 10 years of my life to that goal.
Recently, I decided to try a plant-based diet. I’m almost three months in and I just love how I feel. My diet feels like the missing link. While I tried it initially as a means to decrease inflammation and to feel my very best, I’m understanding just how planet friendly a plant-based diet is, and that our planet cannot sustain so many people eating meat. In “Changing Our Diet to Cool the Climate”, on page 32, you can learn how you, too, can become a “climatarian”.
Whether cutting back on meat in your diet or using less energy at home, it’s a great time to do some “spring cleaning” in our lives, and take stock of small ways we can be making a big difference on the planet.
Bless us all,