Multilevel Healing and Self-Care: A Personal Healing Journey
Jul 31, 2018 07:20PM ● By Danielle Dvorak
Danielle Dvorak
At some time during my 60+ years, I’ve been diagnosed with and treated for: cancer, bone spurs, colitis, polycystic ovaries, carpal tunnel, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, spastic colon, torn cartilages, autoimmune diseases, crippling tendonitis in both elbows, a severely herniated disc in my spine, thyroid disease, three concussions (one where I lost most of my memory for a period of time), chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple whiplashes of the neck, multiple food allergies and more. I am not on any medications/prescriptions, but do take supplements.
Amidst all of this, I have always been physically quite active and a number of the injuries have been due to riding/jumping horses, racing cars and other competitive sports. Sounds like a body that’s been well-used and not always well taken care of, right? Wrong. Well used, yes—but mostly well taken care of, too.
Earlier in life, I remember feeling betrayed by my body. I remember pushing and driving my body when it would have been kinder to stop or slow down. But, like most people in our culture, I was conditioned to go-go-go and use my body as a means to an end.
Multi-level healing for me means evolving myself on all levels of my existence—mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I believe my essential essence is energy or a spiritual being having a human experience. We exist on many levels or in multiple dimensions.
Physics has proven that everything is energy. Even our physical bodies, while appearing solid, are actually just energy. In this physical dimension, the energy is vibrating much more slowly than our emotions or thoughts, which do not have physical presence. And, since we’re completely comprised of energy that’s vibrating at various frequencies, doesn’t it stand to reason that we can shift and heal any aspect of ourselves if we just learn how to work with our energies?
Self-care is very important in working on multi-level healing. Not sure what “self-care” means? It’s eating a diet of organic, healthy foods, exercising often and taking time for meditation and practices that nurture and nourish yourself, such as detox baths or getting out in nature. Spending time with people who help you feel good, uplifted, calm and grounded is also key to good self-care, along with having healthy boundaries in regards to work, family and friends, and how you move through life in general.
In addition to extreme self-care, I have also self-treated with sound, music, yoga, reiki, essential oils, visioning, qigong and more.
Danielle L. Dvorak is a Certified End of Life Mentor, Certified Vibrational Healing Sound Practitioner, E-RYT200 yoga teacher, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Aromatherapist and Akashic Records Guide. Connect at 847-323-9188, or