Spring into a Field of Vibrant Living
Jul 31, 2018 07:17PM ● By Sherman R. Springfield
Sherman R. Springfield
"There is nothing headier than those potent moments when we feel every cell electrified with vibrancy; when we feel utterly pleased to be looking out of our own eyes.” ~ Mary Dancing Waters
The field of vibrant living springs from devoted self-regard. Once we begin to hold conscientious respect for the integrity of our divine place in our own moments, we move from walking around in a shallow grave-like experience to eagerly seeking a transformation in the choices we embrace for our spirits, our minds and our bodies.
However, the plethora of information—some of it quite contrary—about spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellness, combined with emotionally deflating visions of the very last smoke, the last sip of coffee and the last bite of carrot cake, is enough to stagger even the most resolute. The myriad of straitjacketed choices overwhelms, causing us to freeze like a human in an alien spaceship’s light beam.
Fortunately, the cultivation and habituated application of more sustaining and nourishing choices need not be baffling or arduous. We can slip nurturing choices into our lives as easily as a hand parts curtain panels.
Our Spirits are remarkably intuitive—able to discern the slightest ripples of change in our preferences. Holding a mood sympathetic to our own natural process of transformation for both our inner and outer worlds, serves to alleviate brain freeze, allowing us to intuit the most enlivening choices for our individual life visions.
Vitality ebbs when we resign to following other people’s well-intentioned but counterintuitive choices for us. Springfield Coaching’s wellness and nutrition programs are purposefully designed without the didactic tedium and life overhaul often present in many programs available, but with resolute honoring and encouragement of each client’s individual inner guidance and delicious preferences.
Sherman R. Springfield is a board certified heath consultant, wellness coach, reiki practitioner, and founder of Springfield Coaching. He has recently relocated his practice to Tucson and is delighted to be serving the Tucson community with his unique coaching and wellness programs. Connect at 520-599-1089 or SpringfieldCoaching.com.