Qi Revolution Comes to Phoenix Convention Center

From September 8 to 10, Qi Revolution will transform Phoenix Convention Center into a sacred space to experience the authentic healing practices of qigong in a strong group energy field. At Qi Revolution the healing properties of phytochemicals in foods of importance are explained. All types of people benefit and no previous experience is necessary.
Some foods, like kiwi, open lungs and have reversed asthma in hundreds of attendees seen since teaching Food-Healing at Qi Revolution starting back in 2005. Since then, protocols have been shared with 50,000+ graduates. They’ve learned from real people what food protocols will give life-saving results for cancer, heart disease and diabetes and they share this wisdom so that attendees and their families can be healthy.
CE hours are available for massage therapists and nurses. U.S. veterans attend for free.
Cost: $149 for 3 days. For more information, call 800-298-8970 or visit QiRevolution.com. See ad, page 4