Muscles In Motion Myotherapy

Andrea Johnson
Andrea Johnson, Certified Master Bonnie Prudden Myotherapist, is now providing myotherapy treatments in Tucson. “Since 95 percent of all pain is muscular related in some way, myotherapy can be effective for fibromyalgia, back pain, circulation problems, swelling, sciatica, headaches and more,” she says.
Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy is a method of relaxing muscle spasm, improving circulation and alleviating pain. To defuse trigger points, pressure is applied to the muscle for several seconds by means of fingers, knuckles and elbows. The newly relaxed muscles are then passively stretched and the patient is given a series of corrective exercises to be used at home to help keep the muscles free from pain. Myotherapy has been very successful in treatment for athletes, artists, musicians, singers and computer operators, as well as other occupations.
For 13 years, Johnson had been a test car driver, testing vehicle performance through rough and all-weather terrain. While recuperating from serious injury, she happened to view Bonnie Prudden on a television show, and there began the process of relief from pain that Johnson promotes to others today.
For more information, call 786-897-0789 or email [email protected]. See ad, page 27.