Tame Your Hormones
May 01, 2019 03:19PM ● By Lydie Vagnerova
Courtesy of the picture is to The Institute of Hormone Yoga in Prague Dinah Rodrigues (92)
Many people accredit yoga to helping them find new balance in life, with its routine calm and mindful exercises bringing a flexibility and strength its users can feel both physically and mentally. Practiced for thousands of years, yoga is an ever changing and growing phenomenon which has recently seen the rise of several specialized practices, such as Hormonal Yoga.
Its creator, Dinah Rodrigues, is an incredible 92-year-old Brazilian yoga legend who has traveled the world several times over to research and work alongside doctors and specialists to perfect and bring her techniques to people in need.
The name of the practice speaks for itself, with Hormone Yoga exercises working with the natural rhythms of the body to create proper flow of energy, breath and hormones to alleviate a laundry list of hormone related ailments. These include balancing hormones during menopause and menstruation cycles to alleviate issues such as PMS, irregular cycles and ovarian cysts. Many experts agree that this practice is not just about hormones.
It’s also not just about learning a few moves, but about an integrated lifestyle which brings an incredible amount of benefits. Along with all the hormonal benefits, many people report improved mood, energy and general health, as well as alleviation of more specific issues such as painful menstruation, hair loss, acne, osteoporosis, insomnia, anxiety, carpal tunnel syndrome and hypothyroidism. On top of this, Hormone Yoga assists the body with natural healing and repairing of organs by improving blood flow, digestion and the immune system for an overall improvement of health—leading to an improvement of personal well-being.
This means that hormone yoga is not exclusive to helping women with hormonal issues. Both women and men can benefit from Hormonal Yoga, with many sufferers of diabetes or specific hormonal issues finding it to be especially effective.
Of course, it is important to be mindful and understand that as with all lifestyle changes, Hormone Yoga is not a quick fix, and will bring results only with proper patient practice. The ideal is to practice 3 to 4 times a week, with sessions consisting of a series of simple dynamic exercises which will work with strong abdominal breathing, Tibetan energy circulation and relaxation to create stimulation in the ovaries, thyroid and pituitary glands.
Lydie Vagnerova is a certified teacher of Hormone Yoga by Dinah Rodrigues—among only a few teachers in the U.S. certified to teach this practice. Vagnerova suffered with hypothyroidism for 27 years and was on a high dose of hormones. After 10 months of practicing hormone yoga, she has been off medication for over two years.. Connect at 520-822-7397 or LydieHormoneYoga.com.