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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Radiant at Any Age with Hormone Yoga

Sep 13, 2019 06:54PM ● By Lydie Vagner
Dinah Rodrigues is a beautiful, inspirational person, and meeting her is a truly unforgettable experience. Even at 92, she moves with ease, elegance and perfect posture. Her eyes still gleam and her smile still shines—looking at her, one might think that she had discovered a fountain of youth. In a way, she has, through the power of Hormone Yoga. Rodrigues, a professor of physiology and psychology, created Hormone Yoga about 30 years ago.

Hormone Yoga allows women of any age and women who suffer any hormonal or menopausal issue to experience the perfect beauty and health that they often feel barred from. “Society tells women that menopause is a gate to an old age where femininity and beauty is forever lost, but it is not true. Everything is about hormonal balance and stress management,” explains Rodrigues. “Balanced hormones can help us feel energetic, calmer, sleep better—therefore, look better and have radiant skin. Clients often report feeling great in their bodies, having more energy and enjoying their life to the fullest potential.”

Looking at Rodrigues, she’s the perfect icon for her own practice. Although she’s 92, she still practices and teaches Hormone Yoga all over the world, travelling from her home in Brazil to over half a dozen countries across North America and Europe to certify new Hormone Yoga teachers, remaining lively even while teaching for upwards of eight hours a day. And, like Rodrigues, Hormone Yoga is around to stay—helping women reclaim their youth and health for over 30 years.

To win back the vibrancy and health that hormonal and menopausal issues can leave feeling unobtainable, give Hormone Yoga a chance. This practice is easy to learn in a workshop and then can be practiced at home once students master the method. Abdominal breathing and dynamic poses help to massage glands and organs, activate the vagus nerve and help with lymphatic drainage.

If hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, depression, painful periods, hormonal acne, PMS, PCOS, infertility or thyroid issues feel all-too-familiar, Hormone Yoga could be the answer.

Lydie Vagnerova is a certified teacher of Hormone Yoga by Dinah Rodrigues—one of the few Hormone Yoga certified U.S. teachers—bringing health and wellness to Tucson. She offers free informative lectures monthly. Connect at 520-822-7397 or

Hormone Yoga with Lydie

Lydie Vagnerova is a certified hormone yoga teacher and owner of Lydie Hormone Yoga. Hormone Yoga is a natural alternative approach to regul... Read More » 


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