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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Laser Dentistry: Innovation and Comfort at E Dental Solutions

Jul 28, 2020 04:05PM ● By Michelle Bense
At E Dental Solutions in Tucson, Dr. Elahe Wissinger, DMD continues to stay at the forefront of the latest dental technological innovations. E Dental Solutions offers a multitude of dental care options in a holistic-minded, stress-free office. Wissinger is proud to announce the addition of two of the best lasers for patients’ dental comfort and safety.
Lasers can be used in dentistry to perform a number of dental procedures that have typically been done with other tools such a loud drills and shots. Because they are able to be so precise, patients feel less pain and mouths heal more quickly. Wissinger is trained in techniques with both new lasers, the Waterlase iPlus and the Epic X.

Waterlase iPlus
Importantly, the all-tissue Waterlase iPlus dental laser creates 98 percent less aerosol than traditional dental hand-pieces, meeting the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the American Dental Association’s recommendation of reducing aerosol production to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission, according to Wissinger. This means dental care can be even safer for procedures needed during the continuing pandemic.
The award-winning Waterlase laser means less pain, fewer shots and faster recovery. It helps to desensitize teeth that are hot and cold sensitive and can perform periodontal surgeries non-invasively, therefore promoting quicker healing time with proven results. It is a safe and gentle alternative to traditional dental tools. Using laser energy and water spray, the Waterlase can perform many procedures without a shot or a drill. 
The Waterlase is virtually painless, using minimal anesthetic (and in some cases none) or drills to perform many routine dental procedures. The Waterlase combines water, air and laser energy for safe use on human tissue in the mouth. “Our teeth are partially made up of water and when the laser makes contact with the tooth, it excites the water molecules to cut through the tooth,” explains Wissinger. “Since the laser continuously sprays out water, it keeps the tooth hydrated, preventing heat and giving you a virtually pain-free experience.”
Waterlase is gentle enough that Wissinger can complete most of a patient’s dental needs in a single visit. Plus, in some cases, she can save them the hassle of going to a specialist or scheduling multiple dental visits. The Waterlase is cleared for numerous dental applications that can be performed on both pediatric and adult patients.
“One of its greatest strengths is how precise it is. Conventional dental drills rely on removing large amounts of tooth to get the job done, and the constant grinding and spinning of a drill bur can cause heat, pain and microscopic cracks, which could possibly lead to future infections underneath the filling,” explains Wissinger. “The Waterlase, on the other hand, removes very precise amounts of tooth, without damaging or cracking the rest of the tooth. Because it is so precise, patients will rarely need anesthetic.”
Waterlase also has the potential to reduce the risk of cross contamination as it works without contact to the tooth. Wissinger has been trained to operate the Waterlase with single-use, disposable tips, so patients don’t have to worry about a tool that might have been in someone else’s mouth.

Epic X
Another innovative laser used at E Dental Solutions is the soft-tissue Epic X—the ultimate diode laser in reliability and effectiveness. It provides numerous surgical and periodontal capabilities such as sulcular debridement, reduction of subgingival bacterial loads, inflammation control and hemostasis (stop bleeding).
Other applications of the Epic X laser include: better sealants, comfortable scaling and root planning, canker sore treatment, cold sore treatment, accelerated teeth whitening and comfortable gingival curettage.
For better sealants, the Epic X laser light disinfects the grooves and pits to prevent contamination, which aids in sealant success. Laser light also helps decontaminate periodontal pockets, decreasing the number of harmful pathogens and removing diseased tissue. Eliminating necrotic surfaces on roots provides a more receptive surface for tissue reattachment.
Canker sores and cold sores are healed rapidly and anti-inflammatory effects are achieved with bio-stimulation. The laser tip never comes in direct contact with the target tissue, which means more comfort to the patient. Pain relief is immediate and wounds heal almost overnight.
For accelerated teeth whitening, the Epic X laser photons excite a photochemical activator that increases the enamel response to hydrogen peroxide. Results can be achieved in 20 minutes. “It’s the perfect reward after a hygiene appointment,” says Wissinger.
Aside from laser-based dental procedures, E Dental Solutions also offers services including: crowns and bridges, dentures, dental implants, metal-free partials, mercury-free fillings, porcelain inlays/onlays, digital x-rays, snore guards, sleep apnea appliances and dental hygiene.
“At this difficult time, our mission now more than ever reflects our commitment to improve our patients’ quality of life through education, prevention and the best quality of dental care in the safest way possible,” says Wissinger.

E Dental Solutions is located at 2504 E. River Rd., Tucson. Connect with Dr. Elahe Wissinger at 520-745-5496 or See ad, back cover.

Michelle Bense is a freelance writer and editor living in New Mexico. Connect at [email protected].

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