March 2021 Letter From Publisher
Feb 26, 2021 06:36PM ● By Holly Baker
Holly Baker, publisher
“The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered with darkness and struggle to reach the light.” ~ Sandra Kring
Spring’s arrival usually brings the beginning of the growing season, but it feels like this past year has been a growing season for us all. So many things have changed, challenged us and steered us in new directions. We have faced daily reminders that things are just different. It has been hard. But if you’re reading this, you got through this last year—and that’s something we should all celebrate.We’ve had to change and grow and adapt, and we should be proud of however we’ve managed to make that happen. It has been stressful on us all. This month, we’re bringing you some more food for thought which could help.
On page 16, learn about herbs that can help with all that chronic stress. Every little bit helps! In “Healing Mental Health through the Gut”, Sheila Shea explores some ways that our treatment of our guts is reflected in our mental health. There are so many good reasons to listen to our gut.
Or maybe we’ve struggled with anxiety? With marijuana now legal in Arizona, cannabis products are gaining even more traction with those seeking relief from anxiety, pain, inflammation and so much more. Pages 22 and 24 include some more interesting resources.
Many of us have lost in this last year, so let’s also take a moment to pause and contemplate some ways to heal from that grief. Jasmin Jenkins gives four ways to find peace on page 25, in “Healing from Grief”.
As author John C. Maxwell said, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
Happy growing.
Holly Baker, publisher