Yoga Can Help with Bumpy Transition Into Life Again

Trish Harris
Trish Harris aims to help people transition back to the faster pace of life through yoga at Divine Journey Yoga. The 500 RYT Certified yoga teacher specializes in yoga for mature adults, and has been teaching Gentle Hatha and Yin Yoga in Tucson since 2015. She has expanded to include Zoom classes and weekly YouTube videos. Her weekly classes include five 9 a.m. Zoom classes and four 11 a.m. in-person classes at two different locations. The first class is always free.
For more information and to register for classes, call 520-490-4012, email
Divine Journey Yoga
“We need a reliable, safe, organized, stabilizing force amid the chaos of change. In the pandemic, we were forced to slow down. Now as things begin to speed up again, we might be missing that slower pace,” explains Harris. “The way it has felt to me is like the different rhythms of riding a horse. During the pandemic we were ambling along at a slow, easy, rolling walk. It felt a bit like being rocked gently. Now it feels like it’s more of a bouncing trot. The pace feels choppy and even a bit jarring. In yoga, we can find that slower pace, the gentle rocking that brings a feeling of nurture and ease.”
Harris especially enjoys teaching and practicing her Friday 9 a.m. Low and Slow class on Zoom. The class involves rocking, stretching, breathing and slowing down, rarely getting much higher than kneeling. “For all of us, as we transition into this new world with all the stressful and traumatic effects of living and losing through a pandemic, I recommend taking a break to breathe and stretch and move at an easy pace,” she says.
For more information and to register for classes, call 520-490-4012, email
[email protected] or visit

Divine Journey Yoga
In Divine Journey Yoga classes, students enjoy a balanced, gentle practice of both Hatha and Yin styles of yoga. Geared toward bodies of all ages and abilities, Trish provides options for... Read More »