Feeling stressed? Suffering from ailments? Feeling jealous of the computer’s ability to “reset” and wishing to “control-alt-delete” the nervous system? Bowen therapy could be the answer for a fresh start and first step toward feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and out of pain. This gentle, yet powerful therapy helps every system in the body: musculoskeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, nervous and internal organs.
Developed in Australia, Bowen therapy is a gentle, hands-on treatment at the heart of naturopathic medicine in that it reduces the “fight or flight” (sympathetic) nervous system, while stimulating the “rest and digest” (parasympathetic) nervous system.
The therapy is performed over clothing and consists of a series of gentle pressure movements over various tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerve and lymphatic bundles. These moves bring in circulation and stimulate lymphatic movement, while at the same time releasing dysfunctional nervous system patterns, allowing the system to heal.
Everyone can benefit from Bowen therapy, including newborns, highly trained athletes, pregnant women and the elderly. A Bowen therapy session is an hour of deep relaxation and immediately leaves the patient feeling rested and refreshed. Long-term effects are improved sleep, mood and organ health as well as decreased pain and inflammation.
Dr. Alexandra Porter has been using Bowen Therapy in her Naturopathic practice for 14 years and finds it to be one of her most effective tools in helping her patients get back their lives lost to disease and dysfunction. Connect at SugarMeLoveTucson.com. See ad, page 14.