Medical Thermography for Heart Health

Medical Thermography is used as a preventative test that can see both hyperthermia and hypothermia (hot is red and cold is blue) and “dysfunctional” asymmetrical blood flow patterns. A reduction of blood flow to the heart causes temperatures to be cold. Hypothermia (too cold) pattern is normally seen in the left lower upper back, and left chest front view for heart concerns in females. Heart concerns for males are evaluated as hypothermia (too cold) pattern seen in the left chest front view.
Inflammation Imaging of Tucson uses the highest resolution FDA registered medical infrared camera for Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging within the industry. Connect at 520-468-1530 or See ad, page 10.
Early-stage disease detection is another area in which thermography excels. For instance, take heart disease prevention. Thermography screenings can assess heart function and detect inflammation and “dysfunctional” asymmetrical blood flow in the carotid arteries (which may be a precursor for stroke and blood clots). When “dysfunctional” asymmetrical blood flow and inflammation of the carotid is visible, a doctor may order additional testing. Earlier detection of a heart problem could save lives.
Most heart attacks are caused by blockages in the large arteries of the heart. But in up to 15 percent of cases in which people experience symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath, there are no significant blockages. These little-understood heart attacks, known as myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCAs), can still cause heart damage and are also three times more likely to occur in women.
Sometimes women visit a hospital with heart attack symptoms and, after they get tested, they’re told they didn’t have a heart attack. That’s because an angiogram — the test normally used to evaluate patients with heart attack symptoms—may not reveal the underlying cause. Without knowing what’s causing patients’ symptoms, doctors aren’t able to treat them without further diagnostics.
Medical Thermography may be able to reveal critical physiological changes and “dysfunctional” asymmetry blood flow patterns long before they can progress and form into a structure or disease within the body. Thermography is the only medical test which allows one to see the root cause of their pain and current health safely, with no radiation, no body contact and no pain.
Inflammation Imaging of Tucson uses the highest resolution FDA registered medical infrared camera for Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging within the industry. Connect at 520-468-1530 or See ad, page 10.

Inflammation Imaging of Tucson - 7790 N Oracle Rd Ste 120, Tucson, AZ
Medical Thermography uses an infrared camera to see the current condition of your health, and blood flow dysfunction/patterns, possibly years before a structure has time to form. Early in... Read More »