Experience Fashion, Music, Food and More at Diaspora Showcase Africa

Diaspora Showcase Africa will present its 20th Anniversary with “Soundtrack Runway”, featuring a cast of more than 100 artists, dancers, models and designers, on September 30, from 6 to 9pm, at the YWCA Southern Arizona. Created by Kwevi Quaye, this unique show has amassed a following throughout the U.S. and globally with its thematic entertainment series of presenting Africa through fashion, music, dance and culinary arts.
Location: YWCA Southern Arizona, 525 N Bonita Ave, Tucson. For more information,
“Soundtrack Runway” is a tribute to the legendary South African artist, Miriam Makeba. It begins with classical symphonic renditions of some of her popular songs, and concludes on the fashion runway with an acoustic set by Malian Kora, instrumentalist Karamo Susso, Congolese guitarist Jason Tamba and Nigeria-British guitarist Bumi Thomas, joined by guitarist Fernando Perdomo from the movie Echo In The Canyon, and percussionist Munyungo Jackson—all of whom have played in numerous number-one hits and Grammy Award-winning albums.
Featured fashion collections are by award-winning and Vogue published designers, Kwame Koranteng (Ghana), Else Hardjopawiro (Suriname), Maria Adeeko (Nigeria) and Farouque Abdela (Tanzania).
Note that by purchasing tickets and/or attending this event, you give Diaspora Showcase LLC and Diaspora Showcase Africa and all its affiliates the consent to film, photograph and use your image in any form or purposes. There are no refunds. The event is semi-formal or formal attire only.
Location: YWCA Southern Arizona, 525 N Bonita Ave, Tucson. For more information,
visit DiasporaShowcase.com. See ad, page 11.