New Courses Offered by Via de Dios

Via de Dios is a Christian center committed to making a difference in Tucson lives by bringing people together through common interests and desires to enhance their lives wholistically—body, mind and spirit. The center is offering many new classes, with 50 percent off select courses for members.
100 Intro to Contemplation is a free class, in which Christopher Mendoza familiarizes attendees with the what, where and why of this lost ancient practice. Discover how your life can radically change for the better with the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
101 Beginning Contemplation is a six-week course with Mendoza covering the basics and introducing many tools. Practice of the Presence by Bro. Lawrence is the required book of study. Cost: $30.
103 Intro to Lectio Divina is a free, three-hour workshop in which Donna Celenza Sweet teaches this traditional Christian practice of scripture study.
111 Rule of Life is a 12-week course in which Francine Grimaldi Rienstra guides “Aspirelings” to create their own guidelines for balanced living. Crafting Your Own Rule of Life is the required book of study. Prerequisite: 101. Cost: $50.
121 Historic Women Mystics is a six-week course in which Malcolm Hooe introduces some little-known women saints whose powerful lives and writings are revealed. Prerequisite: 101. Cost: $40.
201 Contemplation is an eight-week course in which Jason Caywood further builds on skills learned. Cloud of Unknowing will be the required book of study. Prerequisite: 101. Cost: $40.
Location: 3615 N Prince Village Pl 101, Tucson. For more information, call 520-954-1811, email [email protected] or visit Register for classes online at

Via de Dios - 3615 N Prince Village Place Suite 101, TUCSON, AZ
GROW BEYOND YOUR CURRENT UNDERSTANDING. Classes include Meditation, Silent Prayer, Yoga, Healthy Habits, Creative Thinking, Integrative/Contemplative lifestyle. Discover ancient prayer t... Read More »