Rediscover Health and Wholeness with Fluid Healing

Heidi Wilson
A craniosacral therapist, tai chi instructor and musician, Heidi Wilson offers private craniosacral sessions and teaches others to become practitioners of this profound modality with Fluid Healing.
Wilson offers a six-level workshop series called Riding the Wave, Touching Stillness: Craniosacral Work with a Biodynamic Perspective. In the workshop, Wilson takes participants through a journey that deepens awareness of self and development of Presence. Presence is what is needed to hold the space for others who may be feeling disconnected and imbalanced.
The workshops include anatomy of the craniosacral system, techniques for specific conditions/symptoms, meditations and development of our relationship with Primary Respiration—the breathing we were doing inside our mothers’ wombs before birth. Primary Respiration carries the creative fluid Intelligence that created us and is still creating us.
“Slowing down and witnessing ourselves and those we are listening to with our hearts and hands as whole fluid beings, can bring relief to the nervous system and a profound sense of being connected and part of Life,” says Wilson.
Each workshop offers 20 CEUs for massage therapists, but one does not have to be a massage therapist to participate. There is also a certification path, which includes these workshops plus other requirements.

Fluid Healing/ Craniosacral Work - 2836 E Adams St, Tucson, AZ
Craniosacral work + shiatsu.... Private practice + workshops...over twenty-five years experience Heidi Wilson Read More »