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Natural Awakenings Tucson

The Temple of Universality Celebrates the Unity of God and Man

The Temple of Universality of Tucson is a spiritualist and universal all-inclusive church with uplifting talks, healing meditations, music and gifts of spirit messages. Founded by the late Reverand Betty Tatalajski in 1995, the church is based on a mission statement and tenets channeled to her by Saint Germain.

The mission statement of The Temple of Universality is, “To encourage the teaching and appreciation of all religions and philosophies, to demonstrate the truth of eternal life through communication with Spirit and to foster individual communication with the Creative Source.”
The tenets of The Temple of Universality are as follows: The Kingdom of God is within; the Universe is one—visible and invisible; heaven and hell are states of consciousness and are experienced as one obeys or disobeys Divine Law; the Law of Cause and Effect is real and just; truth is to be found in all religions; that man shall know there is no death—only eternal life; Spirit communication is real and is governed by the Law of Attraction; spiritual healing is possible and is facilitated by the Holy Spirit; man has never lost his Divine Nature—he has forgotten it; we acknowledge one Supreme Being—The Creative Source.

For more information, contact Rev. Kristine Fossatti at 520-448-1205, email [email protected] or visit

The Temple of Universality - 3590 N Country Club Rd Tucson AZ

The Temple of Universality

The Temple of Universality of Tucson is a spiritualist and universal all-inclusive church with uplifting talks, healing meditations, music and gifts of spirit messages. Founded by the lat... Read More » 


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