The Temple of Universality Celebrates the Unity of God and Man

The Temple of Universality of Tucson is a spiritualist and universal all-inclusive church with uplifting talks, healing meditations, music and gifts of spirit messages. Founded by the late Reverand Betty Tatalajski in 1995, the church is based on a mission statement and tenets channeled to her by Saint Germain.
The tenets of The Temple of Universality are as follows: The Kingdom of God is within; the Universe is one—visible and invisible; heaven and hell are states of consciousness and are experienced as one obeys or disobeys Divine Law; the Law of Cause and Effect is real and just; truth is to be found in all religions; that man shall know there is no death—only eternal life; Spirit communication is real and is governed by the Law of Attraction; spiritual healing is possible and is facilitated by the Holy Spirit; man has never lost his Divine Nature—he has forgotten it; we acknowledge one Supreme Being—The Creative Source.
For more information, contact Rev. Kristine Fossatti at 520-448-1205, email [email protected] or visit

The Temple of Universality
The Temple of Universality of Tucson is a spiritualist and universal all-inclusive church with uplifting talks, healing meditations, music and gifts of spirit messages. Founded by the lat... Read More »