Connecting Soul to Soul

The soul is the essence of who we are. To connect with our soul and with others’ souls’ essence is the most enriching experience of all. The soul seeks experiences to enliven and grow—for the soul has an urge to feel fulfilled in all aspects of life. Yet when goals are pursued at the expense of the heart’s desire, the essential self may diminish or disappear.
Through this loss of true connection, one attempts to fill what is perceived as a deficiency, loss or emptiness from outside of themselves. Yet most people are not aware that the loss is nothing more than having lost contact with their own true essence. These essences are the pure virtues of the soul. Each corresponds to an aspect of being.
For example, the Black essence is peace. Yet peace requires slowing down. By learning to pace oneself, and be more present, with practice, the individual develops more patience. As a result, there is more peace in their life—even when amongst the chaos of others and the fast pace of the societal world. As consciousness grows, one remembers the wholeness of their intrinsic nature and learns to recognize and consciously claim (mind), cherish (heart) and inhabit (body) the presence of their existence—the true self.

Kim Lincoln - NA, Tucson, AZ
Ready to evolve? Connect with your True Self and transform anger, hurt, pain & trauma into peace, compassion, love, and joy. Be authentic. Live your purpose. Awaken from what no long... Read More »