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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Vitamin String Quartet: Music of Taylor Swift, Bridgerton and Beyond

Sep 30, 2024 11:00AM ● By Suzie Agrillo
Vitamin String Quartet (VSQ) is one of the most popular contemporary string ensembles in the world. In 1999, the CMH Records label created a new sub-label named Vitamin Records, which featured recordings of imaginative tributes to some of the biggest artists in pop and rock history performed by a string quartet. Initially, the quartet played without a fixed moniker but was eventually christened the Vitamin String Quartet after its namesake label.

VSQ has accumulated more than 2 billion streams and sold more than 1 million albums. They have garnered critical acclaim, charting on both the Billboard Classical and Classical Crossover charts. VSQ’s mellifluous music has appeared in Netflix’s Bridgerton, significantly increasing the group’s following. Their latest album, VSQ Plays the Hits of 2024, was released in August.
The quartet, consisting of two violinists, a violist and a cellist, will be headlining at the Fox Theatre on November 13. They will perform fresh arrangements of the cultural phenomenon that is Taylor Swift, along with spellbinding and innovative renditions of music by Billie Eilish and familiar hits from Bridgerton. As noted by the New York Observer, “VSQ’s atmospheric hits have made classical versions of pop music cool.”

Derek Stein, a mainstay cellist in this esteemed ensemble, rarely misses a performance. His flair for rock and pop style is evident in his performances. Stein holds degrees in music performance from Arizona State University (bachelor of music) and the California Institute of the Arts (master of fine arts).

A Conversation with VSQ’s Virtuoso Cellist Derek Stein

I understand you had to be very persistent to get hired as the cellist for VSQ. How did you get started playing cello with VSQ?
My involvement in the group originally started in 2010. There’s a band named 30 Seconds to Mars, and they were doing an episode of MTV Unplugged. The band wanted a string quartet, so they reached out to CMH Records. CMH put together a Vitamin String Quartet to play. This led to a plan for Vitamin Records to recruit more musicians for live shows.

Later on, I was in the middle of performing with another group, Wild Up, a chamber music orchestra. The personnel manager walked into the green room and announced that he had gotten an email that VSQ was looking for new members. I’d been aware of VSQ since it started. My hand shot up instantly. I really wanted an opportunity to play with this group. I got an email contact, and I probably sent that person 10 emails before they responded. I had an audition set up in 2011, and the die was cast. The rest is history.

For readers that may not be familiar with VSQ, how would you describe the music you play?
The word “classical” is really an umbrella term as it’s applied to music. We play these popular songs in a classical style, but only to a certain extent. We like to add elements that may give it a little bit more classical “sheen.” We’re really doing string quartet arrangements of rock and roll tunes that are designed to be recognizable in a string quartet fashion. The record label has a fantastic crew of producers and arrangers. Two of the most prolific are Jim and Kathy McMillen, based out of Los Angeles, who produce and arrange a lot of the tunes we play live.

This tour is extremely ambitious. How do you prepare physically when you are about to start a tour?
This fall tour is a first for me. There is next to no downtime, and we play as many as six nights in a row. My plan is to live as much of a healthy lifestyle as possible leading up to it. I also plan to spend a lot of time creating and playing a variety of VSQ setlists daily to acclimate physically.
Where can curious readers that want to learn more about you find information about VSQ?
Our website is We are also on all social media platforms: Vitamin String Quartet on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

I understand you bring “committed abandon” to your playing of the cello. What do you enjoy most about performing for a live audience?
I’ve gone through the full spectrum of live audiences in my career. When I was in college, I played a lot of contemporary avant-garde music, and sometimes we played concerts where there were more people on stage than in the audience. Juxtapose that experience with the time I was on the last tour, and there was a couple in the city that was a huge patron of the arts. When they found out VSQ was coming, they bought out every single ticket and then gave them away for free. That night, we played to a sold-out group of 1,700 people. The energy that night was so electric; it was something I’ll never forget.

All of the people in the quartet have amazing stage presence and are happy to interact with the audience. We always have two mics on stage during the show in case someone has something funny to say and so we can banter with each other.

Do you have any message for your fans that are buying tickets for the show?
I would say if you’re a devoted Vitamin String Quartet fan, you’re in for a treat. If you don’t know about us, or if you’re a new fan, this will be an incredibly fun night. We’re going to play a bunch of really enjoyable music; it’s a high energy show; and we like to engage with the audience. It will be money well spent.

To purchase tickets, visit or go to the box office, located at 17 W. Congress St., in Tucson.

Suzie Agrillo is a freelance writer in Tucson and a frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. She focuses on writing about the arts, inspirational people and the human connection. Connect at [email protected].

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