Finding Grace in Hardship
Oct 31, 2024 06:27AM ● By Marlaina Donato
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Being thankful for crumbs when we have been denied a feast might seem a task reserved for saints, but simply having faith in an hour of plenty that is yet to come can soften the sharp edge of our hunger. Feeling gratitude for bounty that has not yet arrived, and for all that is on its way to us in its rightful season, provides us with an opportunity to see the light beyond the shadow. According to the Buddhist proverb, “Enough is a feast.”
Seeing “enough” on the table, in the mirror, in each other and in each day is a spiritual practice worth cultivating. Reaching beyond our comfort zone by loving others when we do not feel loved or supporting someone else when we feel less-than can bring us closer to all that is slightly out of reach. Taking time to observe nature’s complex patterns—fractals within flowers, textures of trees or the edible geometry of a cauliflower—reminds us that we, too, are part of the universal order.
Finding fragments of beauty along the wayside—a child’s pure laugh, the drop of sweet honey left on the spoon or a bird’s wing reflecting the morning light—invites us to look beyond the chaotic, current chapter to see the bigger story. Choosing to remember that all chapters come to a close can help us decide what we want to write in the next one.
Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at
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