Nov 01, 2018 06:17PM
This time of year, and this month especially, everyone is talking about thankfulness, gratefulness and giving thanks. But what does it truly...
Nov 01, 2018 06:16PM
GE Computing is now introducing its “Refurbish or Recycle” program for those who have out-of-date computers that would like them to “Hit a K...
Nov 01, 2018 06:15PM
Ed Gutierrez, Human Capital Management Consultant at Paychex Inc., offers free consultations to discuss how Paychex can help small business ...
Nov 01, 2018 06:14PM
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church holds Taizé services on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, from 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. The services are co...
Nov 01, 2018 06:11PM
Levity Floatation & Wellness Center is an alternative center with an edge. Levity offers numerous healing modalities such as floatation tank...
Nov 01, 2018 06:10PM
Bio-Touch Healing offers continuing education credits to licensed massage therapists and registered nurses. Through their monthly health con...
Nov 01, 2018 06:09PM
Decorative Ornament Diffusers are being offered on special this holiday season. Deck the halls with the inviting scent of PURE Essential Oil...
Nov 01, 2018 06:08PM
Our immune system is a complicated assortment of large intestinal cells called Peyer’s patches to immunoglobulins that remember the flu we h...
Nov 01, 2018 06:06PM
It is widely known that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are wreaking havoc on our health and mental well-being. Luckily, doing just one simple...
Nov 01, 2018 06:05PM
The science of using brain MRI data to help understand brain injury conditions has continued to progress. Tractograms are a powerful tool to...
Nov 01, 2018 06:03PM
This is a quick, almost effortless way to improve the immune system by decreasing our time spent in fight-or-flight mode. It has long-lastin...
Nov 01, 2018 06:02PM
The neck is one of the most visible indicators of age and aging. Most people in sunny Tucson know that sunscreen should be worn to prevent u...
Nov 01, 2018 06:00PM
Myotherapy has been very successful and effective in relieving pain (chronic or acute) and the symptoms related to “trigger points”. Myother...
Nov 01, 2018 05:59PM
Increasing evidence of the relationship between mental health and immune functioning indicates that immune system cells are actively involve...
Nov 01, 2018 05:57PM
There is a lot of information concerning how to improve our own immune systems, which defend our body against disease-causing microorganisms...
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