Stem Cells for Healing

There has been increasing awareness of the benefits of stem cells for treating neurological and other serious medical conditions. Treatment with stem cells has been focused on research to develop specific stem cell lines that will treat a diagnosed condition.
The good news is that even adult stem cells can be beneficial and
differentiate to create healing. Canadian physicians have used stem cells to stop the progression and heal severe multiple sclerosis. Stem cells have been successfully injected at the cervical spinal cord level to improve function after spinal cord injury. They may be obtained from fat deposits, umbilical cord blood and from bone marrow. However, a noninvasive approach to facilitate release of stem cells is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).
HBOT, provided in 20, one-hour sessions with 100 percent oxygen, increased the release of mesenchymal stem cells eightfold in studies at the University of Pennsylvania. HBOT also facilitates stem cell integration into injured tissue and creates healing. Beike Biotechnology, B-Line Clinic in Oregon and Stemedix Corporation are among the centers combining the two powerful therapies to facilitate maximum healing.
Dr. Carol Henricks is a neurologist specialist who uses off-label healing therapies. Connect at 520-229-1238, [email protected] or See ad, page 8.