Why Your Skin Needs Microneedling

Those interested in a holistic, safe, effective and long-lasting way to rebuild collagen and rejuvenate skin should consider Microneedling treatments—also known as Collagen Induction Therapy. The therapy uses a collection of fine (micro) needles that penetrate the skin at varying levels, using either a roller or automatic pen to induce different benefits.
There are three levels of microneedling: cosmetic, medical and surgical. With cosmetic needling, the needle barely penetrates (less than 0.5mm) into the top skin section, the epidermis, allowing skincare products to better penetrate the waterproof barrier.
Medical microneedling, an office procedure requiring prescription-strength numbing, penetrates the skin between 0.5 and 3.0mm, stimulating the dermis (the skin’s support structure) to make new collagen and elastin. This treatment wakes up the skin’s dormant powers to treat acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks and lax skin.
Surgical needling penetrates the skin at depths greater than 3.0mm to correct deep scars, and must be done under regional anesthesia.
Both medical and surgical needling cause pinpoint bleeding, which starts a complex cascade of platelet-derived growth factors, resulting in scar-less healing and new tissue building. Just a few treatments can result in elimination of frown, lip and neck lines, minimize acne scars and rejuvenate aging hands and arms.
Dr. Suzanne Pear, RN, Ph.D., LE, a nurse aesthetician specializing in holistic facial rejuvenation, offers microneedling at Pampered Skin Studio. Connect at 520-400-8109, [email protected] or PamperedSkinStudio.com. See ad, page 17.