Get Your Spring On

Spring is the time of year when nature renews and rebuilds for the next year. For us, that means we’re getting the winter weight off. Rejuvenate your body with nutritious food and exercise. Some may need to metabolically clear the body and some may just need to get the body moving again.
Here are some tips to great spring off to a good start.
• Set a goal. Make a plan. Work the plan.
• See a professional for help with a detox, exercises, diet and stress.
• Get your yearly physical and lab tests done.
• Have fun, laugh, breathe. Get your rest.
We are all guilty of letting things slide in the winter months. Start working back up to last year’s routine, make those adjustments or attack new goals. Look at the end game. How much fun will you have and how good are you going feel after you have been getting your spring on?
Nathan S. Conlee, D.C., practices at Performance Neurology. Connect at 520-322-6161 or See ad, page 23.