Speed Up Recovery from Plastic Surgery with Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Nearly a century ago, Emil Vodder, M.D., tapped into the body’s natural healing reservoir, the immune system, with his Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) techniques. Vodder’s gentle, stretch-like techniques performed on the surface of the skin were refined and researched throughout the years. MLD earned honors from both the spa-and-beauty and medical industries. It continues to rise in popularity among physicians—especially plastic surgeons.
MLD’s acceptance by the medical community is largely due to research studies. In a study conducted by Laurie Casas, M.D., and Patricia Depoli, M.D., the question of whether or not MLD produces significant outcomes for post-surgery patients was answered. The study represented 13 different cosmetic-surgery procedures. Half the group was given MLD and the other half was not.
The evidence points to this conclusion, the authors noted: “We see complete resolution of postoperative edema, bruising and fibrosis within 9-18 months in non-MLD patients. Those given MLD healed within six weeks to three months, significantly shortening postoperative recovery.”
Some of the many researched benefits that MLD can have for cosmetic surgery patients include: bruising reduction, edema reduction, pain management, scar tissue prevention, fibrosis reduction and infection prevention.
With all the benefits of MLD, it’s understandable why the modality is growing in interest from surgeons. The typical side effects of post-op surgery can be significantly reduced with MLD, minimizing downtime and discomfort.
What’s more, MLD is all-natural and with minimal side effects. Some clients may balk at the price tag of $135 to $200 for a 50-minute session; however, remember MLD often resolves issues that would normally take months of medications, totaling far more.
Melanie Tyrell, LMT, ESTI, CMLDT offers Manual Lymphatic Drainage at Clear Blossom, in Tucson. Connect at 520-954-7784, [email protected] or ClearBlossom.com.

Clear Blossom - 6584 N Oracle Rd, Tucson, AZ
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