Shine Your Light

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
When you awaken to the light of your being, there is no way that you can turn away once you have been smitten by the unconditional surrender to your spirit.
For the unequivocal truth that the light reveals illuminates any division, whether it was conditioned before you awakened or was hidden under the premise of innocence, ignorance or fear. However, the truth of one’s illuminated presence may need time to disentangle from the patterns that created an unfulfilled pseudo life.
To be real asks that we face our fear, for fear diminishes awareness of our light so that our light is not seen. In hiding our light, we disconnect from our full presence, when all the while it is us and no one else who is limiting our brilliance—thus, reinforcing feelings of unsafety, perpetuating the fear. With practice, in time, we learn to trust and allow our light to be seen and shine, realizing that there is no one to fear but our own conditioned less conscious self.
For the light of our true self lives on eternally. The light is the essence of the loving truth that resides in the conscience of our soul. It is here that we can truly know our true self and return home to the embodied fullness of our being and shine.
Kim Lincoln is the founder of the Terrain of Essence Teachings, a spiritual school of embodied consciousness and mystical wisdom. Connect at 510-685-5528 or

Kim Lincoln
Ready to evolve? Connect with your True Self and transform anger, hurt, pain and trauma into peace, compassion, love, and joy. Be authentic. Live your purpose. Awaken from what no long... Read More »