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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Achieving Health and Wellness in 2024

By maemanee on AdobeStock

It is only natural to start off every New Year with resolutions as to what we might want to change, pay more attention to or focus energy toward. In this first issue of 2024, Natural Awakenings has chosen to focus on the theme of Health and Wellness. To many, they might seem to be the same subject, but the reality of these often-linked headings is that they are quite different.

The focus of “good health” is to be aware of and in tune with your body’s needs. After all, you live in your body, and if anyone knows the needs of your body, it should be you. Pay attention to the signals, signs and symptoms that your body is making you aware of. Do not ignore the aches, pains and stresses. Be diligent and honest with yourself and take action before the symptoms become persistent. Be kind and compassionate to your body.

The three keys areas that you must monitor are your diet, physical activity and the medicines you choose. Many books will list routines, foods and exercise regimens, but before you decide on any one, know what your body can tolerate, react to and benefit from. Pay attention to your family history or concerns that you might have. Whether choosing assistance from Western medicine, Eastern medicine or a Holistic approach, consult with professionals in those specialties to understand all implications which any of these approaches can cause, create or influence.

The focus of wellness is to achieve your maximum potential to live your best life. It is a philosophy which combines an active lifestyle coupled with the goal toward prevention of future problems. This path of wellness combines physical exercise; mental patterns in thinking, believing and feelings; a spiritual awareness of one’s self and one’s surroundings; a nutritional routine which provides the ingredients to maintain optimal health; instill sleep patterns to grow, heal and restore the energy needed for life’s functions; an environmental atmosphere which does not impede or adversely affect your everyday balance; and life skills which empower and creative revised thinking as you approach and deal with the positive and negative aspects of your everyday life.

Changes are possible, but often fear keeps people from pursuing other options. Remember the life you have is the only one you will have, and the best way to achieve a balance of health and wellness is to be aware that this life is fragile, finite and yours. Be good to your body and yourself and they will be good to, and for, you.

Albert Lavenziano, of Atlas Life Coach, helps to identify common patterns and connections in clients’ lives to assist in unscrambling the directions for a person’s future. This can lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling work-life balance. Connect at 520-406-8576 or [email protected].


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