Optimize Your Fitness Goals with a STYKU Scan
STYKU is a 3D body scanner that uses sensors to create a digital image of your body and measure your physical data. It can measure your waist, hip, chest and arm circumference, as well as your lean mass percentage, bone mass and gained muscle mass. STYKU can also provide data on your overall body fat percentage, and how your muscle to fat ratio changes over time.
STYKU uses an equation based on measurements from hundreds of subjects scanned using a DEXA machine to predict your body fat percentage. It also uses the fact that water is conductive, so the more water there is in a part of your body, the easier an electric current can move through it. Muscle contains more water than fat, so if an electric current moves easily, it means there is more muscle.
To use STYKU, you stand on a rotating platform while a sensor captures your body shape in about 30 seconds. You can wear regular gym clothes, and the device can provide insights into your health. You can compare your 3D model to your body to see how you’ve changed over time. STYKU can be useful for fitness enthusiasts, athletes and healthcare professionals. For example, it can help you optimize your goals for sports and athletic performance.
VG Beauty Lounge is currently offering a STYKU scan for $39.
VG Wellness Center - 3964 E Pima St, Tucson, AZ
Discover the ultimate personalized wellness experience at VG Wellness Center in Tucson. VG Wellness believes that true wellness encompasses every aspect of your being. Founder Victoria Go... Read More »