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Natural Awakenings Tucson

Contrast Water Therapy for Muscles

Aug 30, 2024 06:11AM ● By Kris Urquhart
water therapy for muscles

Latino Life/CanvaPro

Exercise creates microscopic tears in muscle tissues, which the body repairs, and each repetition of this cycle allows muscles to grow back stronger. Contrast water therapy (CWT) is a post-workout recovery method that involves placing sore muscles in alternating hot and cold baths in succession. Data examined from 13 studies and published in a 2013 PLOS ONE review showed that CWT resulted in significantly greater improvements in muscle soreness and reduced strength loss at six, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after exercise, compared to rest without any other post-recovery approach. The results of CWT were comparable to other muscle recovery interventions such as cold-water immersion, warm-immersion, compression and stretching.

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